Congress Registration, Accommodation and Transfer


  Registration Fees Early Registration
18 March 2024 and Before
Late Registration
19 March 2024 and After
  Dentist Registration
250 $ 350 $
  Undergraduate Student 200 $ 250 $
  Specialist / Ph.D. Student 250 $ 300 $
   Course Registration Click for Course Registration Fees and Details

– Registration fees; participation in scientific activities, congress bag, name badge, congress summary book, participation certificate, lunch, cafebreak treats and social activities are included. 18% VAT is included.


  Hotel 1 night accommodation
Single (BB) Duble (BB) (PP)
Per person
  • * 8% VAT will be added to the accommodation fee.
  • * Accommodation Fee includes Bed and Breakfast.
  • * Rates are for 1 night. Valid between 24-26 May 2024.


All cancellation requests must be notified to Nutuva Organization in writing.

  • For cancellations made before September 01, 2022, 90% of the remaining amount will be refunded after deducting the transfer costs.
  • For cancellations made after September 02, 2022, 50% of the remaining amount will be refunded after deducting the transfer costs.

All refunds will be made after the congress.


Account name : Nutuva Organizasyon (Fikret AKDİŞ)

The name of the Bank : Kuveyt Türk Participation Bank İhsaniye Branch (223)

SWIFT Code : : kteftrisxxx

$ Account Number : 173 42 78  IBAN : TR24 0020 5000 0017 3427 8001 01

Explanation : Dentistry Congress